Patient Information

Prehabilitation is a relatively new concept in the treatment of patients before surgery (the medical system has typically focused on rehabilitation after surgery).  It is felt by the POP Team that if patients’ health is optimized before surgery, the outcome will be vastly improved, returning the patient to normal daily functioning sooner.

The main thrust of the program is to educate and empower the patient to take control of their health by exercising, eating properly and learning to de-stress and relax.  Where necessary, smoking cessation and pharmacological optimization is offered to patients.

You could also watch an animated information video of the Prehabilitation Program at the Montreal General Hospital here. You can also watch a video, not animated, of how the program works, interviews with surgeons and testimonials of patients here.




See the real life impact of prehabilitation

This video by the Montreal General Hospital Foundation shows the real life impact of prehabilitation in the life of a patient and three doctors.

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Newsletter – August 2023

WHAT’S UP AT POP? Peri Operative Programme Péri-Opératoire (POP) Newsletter August 2023 PERI OPERATIVE PROGRAMME PÉRI OPÉRATOIRE (POP) TEAM 2022-2023 PRESIDENT’S REPORT The New MUHC Prehabilitation Clinic: As of October 2021, POP was given the authority by the MUHC to operate as a clinic. The new MUHC clinic is staffed by 3 MUHC employees; 1…


Newsletter – September 2021

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.


Newsletter – September 2020

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.
