In 2007 Dr. Carli conceptualized the prehabilitation program and introduced it at the MUHC for specific surgical procedures. Randomized controlled studies, one case-cohort study, three case reports, four review articles have been published since 2010 in good impact journals.

In 2011, Dr. Carli incorporated a not-for-profit organization called Peri Operative Programme Péri-Opératoire (POP), to raise funds to continue research into the effects of prehabilitation on post-surgical outcomes for patients.  The major part of our funding comes from The Friends For The Cure Gala, held every February for the last 6 years.

Since 2011 over 725 adult patients, scheduled for different types of cancer surgery (colorectal, esophageal, thoracic-lung, urology-cystectomy and prostatectomy), major abdominal hernia repair, spine surgery, bariatric surgery, have been seen, optimized and most of them enrolled in research studies.  The results of these study showed that 80% of those patients who enrolled in the prehabilitation program returned to preoperative physical fitness 8 weeks after surgery for cancer, many even after 4 weeks.

The MGH surgical prehabilitation program is the only comprehensive one in North America that, as far as we are aware, exists. The recent scientific publications by our group have attracted the attention of media, such as Washington post, National Public Radio – NPR Shots blog, and the Oprah magazine.

The Montreal General Hospital Foundation, as part of their campaign Code Life/Code Vie to raise $100 million, interviewed Dr. Francesco Carli and Dr. Minnella about the health benefits of Peri-Operative Program(POP) prehabilitation program at the Montreal General Hospital, developed to optimize the health of patients facing major surgery. Find out more details in this podcast.

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Newsletter – August 2023

WHAT’S UP AT POP? Peri Operative Programme Péri-Opératoire (POP) Newsletter August 2023 PERI OPERATIVE PROGRAMME PÉRI OPÉRATOIRE (POP) TEAM 2022-2023 PRESIDENT’S REPORT The New MUHC Prehabilitation Clinic: As of October 2021, POP was given the authority by the MUHC to operate as a clinic. The new MUHC clinic is staffed by 3 MUHC employees; 1…

Newsletter – September 2021

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.

Newsletter – September 2020

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.

News Release February 2020 – Peri Operative Program

Nunc lacus dui, hendrerit ut ligula vitae, hendrerit aliquet dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam dignissim iaculis turpis in aliquet. Fusce leo eros, dignissim vel nibh ac, facilisis congue elit. Duis viverra nibh lectus, nec molestie libero suscipit lacinia.

Newsletter – October 2019

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.