POP’s program is geared towards empowering the patient to take responsibility for his/her health now and in the future.  By teaching patients how to exercise, eat, de-stress and relax properly, the POP Team show them how to improve and maintain a good quality of life. Many articles have been written about the benefits of a good exercise and diet regime.  The POP Team equip patients with the knowledge to incorporate these regimes into their daily routine before and after surgery and thereafter.


Please see some of our frequently asked questions (FAQs)


The role of the caregiver is very important to the success of the POP program. Not only does the caregiver provide much needed support and encouragement; they also reinforce the principles of the POP program with the patient. It is hoped that the caregiver will help model the healthy lifestyle that the POP Team espouses.


By recommending patients that need the POP program, the Health Practitioner is helping patients receive the support and care they deserve to achieve an optimal outcome from their surgery (i.e. the patient faces fewer risks of complication during and after the surgery; recovers faster, spending fewer days in hospital post-surgery; and returns to normal functionality sooner).


Students have the opportunity to get involved with the POP program either as a volunteer during the summer months, or as a graduate student, conducting research within the POP program. During the academic year, limited undergraduate internships are also granted.


POP survives financially through the generosity of a few very supportive people.  Every year a Gala is held in February by the Friends For The Cure, to raise the bulk of the funds that POP relies on to function successfully.  In addition, several Foundations have been very generous to POP, helping out with sponsoring specific research programs. Finally, our patients have been most generous in providing substantial financial support.

Four people work voluntarily for the program: the head researcher, the administrator, and the two psychological support professionals.  Other dedicated professionals work full or part-time for POP.  Costs are kept to a minimum.

Any and everybody is encouraged to support POP as we strongly feel that all patients requiring support before major surgery should be allowed to follow the program.  Only your generosity can make this possible.  We do not receive any government grants or any institutional financial support.

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Newsletter – August 2023

WHAT’S UP AT POP? Peri Operative Programme Péri-Opératoire (POP) Newsletter August 2023 PERI OPERATIVE PROGRAMME PÉRI OPÉRATOIRE (POP) TEAM 2022-2023 PRESIDENT’S REPORT The New MUHC Prehabilitation Clinic: As of October 2021, POP was given the authority by the MUHC to operate as a clinic. The new MUHC clinic is staffed by 3 MUHC employees; 1…


Newsletter – September 2021

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.


Newsletter – September 2020

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.
