How to donate ?

The Prehabilitation Clinic at the MUHC is a pioneer in prehabilitaiton research aimed to find better ways to prepare a patient who is facing the stress of major surgery, and speeding up the patient’s recovery. As such, we require funds to be able to conduct research and hire specialized staff to counsel, work with, and perform follow-ups with patients during a prescribed period of time.We also need equipment to better train our patients.

If you wish to pay by credit card, please click here and the Montreal General Hospital Foundation will be sure to forward the donation to Peri Operative Program (POP). If you are having trouble feel free to contact us for more information.

Every donation counts and is very much appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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WHAT’S UP AT POP? Peri Operative Programme Péri-Opératoire (POP) Newsletter August 2023 PERI OPERATIVE PROGRAMME PÉRI OPÉRATOIRE (POP) TEAM 2022-2023 PRESIDENT’S REPORT The New MUHC Prehabilitation Clinic: As of October 2021, POP was given the authority by the MUHC to operate as a clinic. The new MUHC clinic is staffed by 3 MUHC employees; 1…


Newsletter – September 2021

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.


Newsletter – September 2020

Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla ac augue ultricies sodales.Nam eget mollis diam. Sed nec felis ut massa volutpat dictum quis id tortor. Maecenas hendrerit, dui quis condimentum eleifend, orci lacus rutrum libero, ac tempus sem justo quis ex. Mauris vestibulum dapibus auctor.
