
Dr. Chelsia Gillis, PhD
Director of Perioperative Medical Research


Chelsia Gillis est professeure adjointe à l'École de nutrition humaine, avec des nominations associées en anesthésie et en chirurgie, à l'Université McGill. Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en épidémiologie, diététicienne agréée, boursière canadienne Vanier et clinicienne agréée en soutien nutritionnel. L'initiative de recherche du Dr Gillis se concentre sur l'amélioration des résultats pour les patients en chirurgie en développant des connaissances fondées sur des preuves et en appliquant ces connaissances dans des environnements cliniques afin d'améliorer les services de soins de santé à travers le Canada. Ses recherches portent sur la préadaptation, l'amélioration de la récupération après la chirurgie, le métabolisme chirurgical et l'engagement des patients.

Associés de recherche :
Dr. Amal Bessissow
Dr. Amine Benmassaoud
Dr. Stephanie Chevalier
Dr. Heather Gill
Dr. Jonathan Cools-Lartigue

Graduate Students and Clinical Research Fellows

Clinical Research Fellows under the supervision of Dr. Francesco Carli

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Ah-Reum Cho, MD, Ph.D.


Project title: “The effects of multimodal prehabilitation on postoperative outcomes in lung cancer surgery: a retrospective cohort study”

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Wariya Vongchaiudomchoke, MD, MSc Student


Project title: “The effect of multimodal prehabilitation on muscle quantity and quality in cancer patients”

Clinical Research Fellows under the supervision of Dr. Chelsia Gillis

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Katia Bourganos, MSc Student


Project title: “Prehabilitation and patient-oriented care: A mixed methods study to promote a positive culture of healing”

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Yabo Chen, RD MSc Student


Project title: “Feasibility of multimodal prehabilitation to enhance glucose control before surgery in people with HbA1C >6.5%”

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Yufei Zhan, RD MSc Student


Project title: “Development and validation of the Nutrition Prehabilitation Screening Tool”


Audrey Moyen, RD PhD Candidate


(Primary Supervisor: Prof. Stephanie Chevalier, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Chelsia Gillis)

Project title: “Effects of a novel multimodal intervention for surgical prehabilitation on functional recovery and muscle characteristics in patients with lung cancer”.

Research Students and employees under the supervision of Dr. Amal Bessissow


Rushud Alani, MD, MSc Student


Project title: “Impact of Multimodal Prehabilitation Program on High Cardiovascular Risk Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery – Feasibility Study”

Research Students under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Chevalier


Audrey Moyen, RD PhD Candidate
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Chelsia Gillis


Project title: “Effects of a novel multimodal intervention for surgical prehabilitation on functional recovery and muscle characteristics in patients with lung cancer”.

Research Students under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Cools-Lartigue

Roni Zaks

Roni Zaks, BSc, MSc Student


Project title: “Exploring the Impact of Multimodal Prehabilitation on Inflammatory and Immune Markers in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma”